Friday, July 17, 2009


There are a number of runners that teach at my school. Well a couple of years ago, one of my coworkers set up a running club at our school. The goal of the club was to get the kids out and have them run 2 miles twice a week and play a running game. I was a reasonable success. What we would do is run 24 miles over the course of the club and then finish the club with the culminating run of the children’s fun run mile at the Richmond Marathon. Well, that teacher could no longer supervise the running club. So it fell to me to do this and I have had some really great help in the process. I have done this some more times each time to greater and greater success. This past year, I had something great happen in the fall. I had quite a few parents come and run the final mile of our club with their child. I was amazed at this. The kids were so excited at being a part of the running club that they go their parents to run with them as well. Well this past fall, instead of having our culminating run at the Richmond Marathon, we decided that we would have it as a part of the Fredericksburg Area Running Club's Turkey Trot in downtown Fredericksburg ( on Thanksgiving Morning. I had so many children participate in that, it was that day that I decided that we would hold another Running Club in the spring. More on that later.

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